TXB/ Kwik Chek: Had We Not Engaged Activate…
Kwik Chek Stores and their rapidly growing TXB (Texas Born) family of customer-oriented convenience/grocery stores & quick food operations have locations across Texas and Oklahoma.
Thank You vs Sorry
For many folks, saying “sorry” is a habitual politeness. Apologizing for circumstances and situations even beyond your control for the sake of others’ comfort is more of a learned response.
Supporting New Leaders
Community Medical Centers supports 900 employees and 112,000 patients each year. Their mission is powerful: working to provide healthcare for marginalized, unserved populations.
Belay: Seamless Integration of Predictive Indexing and Employee Engagement
Established in 2010, Belay has been 100% virtual since day one and has earned numerous awards for the exemplary culture they’ve created, by offering one-of-a-kind U.S.-based virtual staffing solutions to their clients.
Composing Your Symphony: Creating Harmonious Teams Through Mindful Management
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it." -H.E. Luccock.
Preparing for the #GreatResignation
#GreatResignation, It’s a trending hashtag on LinkedIn, but what is it and why should organizations prepare for it?
Actionable Insights at the Team-Level
Empyrean is a rapidly growing Benefits Administration provider. With nearly 1,000 employees nationwide, Empyrean focuses on matching natural talents to roles, and Employee Engagement to improve retention and boost morale company-wide.
Engagement: The Antidote to Burnout
Passionate. Committed. Invested in your company’s mission. When you reach burnout, NONE of these words likely describe you. So, what can we DO about burnout?
Activate Human Capital Group Recognized for Providing Leading Employee Engagement Solutions
Today, Activate Human Capital Group (AHCG) was recognized by HR Tech Outlook as one of the top ten providers of employee engagement services in the nation.
5 Things to Consider When Interviewing Engagement Partners
The internet is ripe with surveys of all types. We can identify which character we are most like from Game of Thrones and what type of cheese best represents us with ease.
Strengths By Domain: Relationship Building
Activate Human Capital Group continues to be passionate about the fact every person has strengths or talents that should be put to use in all aspects of life.
Own Your Strengths
It sounds like a saying on a motivational poster, but research shows that building on your natural talents is a far more effective way to get where you want to be in life.
The New Era of Management
The workplace is changing at a rapid rate and with those changes come new issues to be addressed by leadership within an organization.
Justin Perez: A Case Study Continued
One of the most crucial aspects of strengths and talents involves the continuous building of those strengths and deliberate planning for an organization to utilize those talents for growth.
Justin Perez, B-K Lighting: A Look at Strengths Integration Efforts
Activate frequently receives questions regarding whether or not Strengths-Based development efforts would be appropriate (and impactful!) for a specific industry, business model, or organization.
Using StrengthsFinder With Students
If Strengths Finder can be applied to adults in every industry and field of work, is it possible to apply the principles and benefits of Strengths to students?
Strengths by Domain: Executing
Every person has Strengths or talents that should be put to use in all aspects of life. There are numerous ways to develop these Strengths, especially when working on teams.
The Importance of Teacher Engagement: A Case Study
The benefits of managerial practices are touted throughout business and industry. In fact, the development of management and leadership has become a billion dollar movement in and of itself.
You Already Have Employees, Use Them
Every organization is looking for ways to improve and to rise above the competition.
Strengths by Domain: Influencing
Activate Human Capital Group is passionate about developing natural talents and aptitudes into Strengths and helping people put those abilities to work in all aspects of life.