a person talking to their team

Passionate. Committed. Invested in your company’s mission. When you reach burnout, NONE of these words likely describe you. So, what can we DO about burnout? What does the return path look like?

Hold up. What exactly is an engaged employee? An employee’s level of engagement represents the level of discretionary effort they’re willing to put into their work. Engaged employees are emotionally and rationally attached to their organizations and are eager to go above and beyond to help their companies thrive.  

However, creating and sustaining a workforce of engaged employees is a growing challenge.  As we re-orient ourselves and the market opens up bit by bit, we’re facing an increasingly busy-being-busy culture. Over the past year and a half, your motivation to remain engaged in your work may have struggled. Likewise, your managers’ motivation to keep you engaged is most certainly facing the same battle.

Ultimately, these challenges have led to a recent rise in burnout – a recent study from Indeed found that half of its participants reported experiencing burnout in the new year, up 9 percent from their pre-COVID survey. Frankly, from what we’ve seen in the engagement data, that number strikes me as LOW.

Emphasizing employee engagement (and it’s wellbeing benefits) has never been more important. Engagement truly is the antidote to burnout.

an infographic showing a person climbing up steps with an arrow moving upward

Our database shows that fully engaged employees are:

  • 40 times more likely to say they would recommend their company as a great place to work.

  • 15.5 times more likely to report that they plan to spend their career with the organization.

  • 9 times more likely to report that they have an excellent work/life balance.

How can Employee Engagement be the antidote to burnout? By removing the barriers that are negatively affecting your performance, you have a chance to rediscover the opportunity to perform at your best; to THRIVE.

What does the path back to Engagement look like? Assuming you’ve ever visited the magical land of the engaged employee, operating at high levels, working on a “dream team”, you know it’s a place worth returning to. At Activate, we prefer to start by helping individuals and teams discover/determine/revive who they are and what they bring to the table – a discovery that can come by way of talent alignment.

When applied to individual employees, talent alignment is defined as linking organizational goals to employees’ personal goals and talents in order to reach higher levels of engagement and performance. And it leads to an engaged workforce – because ensuring that employees are performing in a role that capitalizes on their unique talents and skills helps stimulate employee engagement at the individual and team level.

When employees are well-suited for their roles, they aren’t as likely to feel drained by their work. And by ensuring that your employees are appropriately aligned in their positions, they’re incentivized to invest in their roles, in themselves, and in your organization as a whole, stimulating productivity and profitability in the long run.

Activate Human Capital Group knows how crucial employee engagement and talent alignment are to fighting burnout in the modern workforce. Our Employee Commitment Index™, a quick 6-minute survey, offered in 32 languages, measures 22 items that are scientifically validated to drive engagement and business performance. Additionally, we offer Talent Development services that can help you find the right people, align their roles with their abilities, and enable them to thrive.

Discover how Activate Human Capital Group can transform your workplace with our unique employee engagement strategies and strengths-based approach. Don't miss the chance to enhance your team's performance and satisfaction. Contact us today to start the conversation about your organization's future!


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