Recognition - Personalized and Meaningful

someone being praised at their job during a presentation

Howdy everyone! Melissa Ortiz again, and today, I want to chat with you about something that's near and dear to my heart: recognition. But not just any recognition—the kind that's personalized and truly meaningful to each individual on your team. Over the past 20 years of working in this field, I've seen firsthand how powerful the right kind of appreciation can be. When people feel genuinely valued, it doesn't just make them happier; it lowers their stress, boosts their contributions, and unlocks new levels of excellence both in their work and their lives.

The Power of Personalized Recognition

Let's start by acknowledging a common challenge: even with the best intentions, we often miss the mark when it comes to making people feel appreciated. Maybe you threw a big team party to celebrate a milestone, but some folks felt uncomfortable with all the attention. Or perhaps you sent out a company-wide email praising someone's work, only to find out they'd have preferred a private "thank you." It's not that recognition isn't happening; it's that it's not always landing in the way we hope it will.

Understanding the "Recognition Spectrum"

The Recognition Spectrum can be divided into several sections, each designed to delve into different aspects of recognition:

  1. Unacceptable Recognition ("No, thank you"): These are the forms of recognition that make someone uncomfortable or even stressed. For example, some people might dread being called up on stage for a public accolade. Knowing what to avoid is just as important as knowing what to do.

  2. Neutral Recognition ("Meh"): This is the "knock yourself out" category. It's not going to hurt, but it's not going to stick with them either. Maybe a generic email of thanks falls into this category for some team members.

  3. Perfect Recognition ("Yes, please!"): This is where the magic happens. When you recognize someone in a way that's perfect for them, it resonates deeply and has a lasting impact. It could be anything from a heartfelt one-on-one conversation to a personalized token of appreciation.

Diving into the Types of Recognition

We also can explore different mediums of recognition, because let's face it—people are unique, and so are their preferences. Here are some categories to consider:

Interpersonal Expressions

This could be a sincere "thank you" during a team meeting or a private conversation highlighting their contributions. Some folks thrive on verbal affirmation and appreciate hearing exactly how they're making a difference.

Visual Expressions

Maybe it's a certificate, a trophy, or even a fun desk ornament that symbolizes their achievement. Visual cues can serve as lasting reminders of their accomplishments.

Written Expressions

Don't underestimate the power of a handwritten note. Some people cherish these mementos and keep them for years. It shows you've taken the time to acknowledge them personally.

Growth-Based Recognition

For those who are eager to develop and level up in their careers, opportunities for professional development can be incredibly rewarding. This might include sending them to a workshop, giving them a stretch assignment, or providing mentorship.

Monetary Recognition

Sometimes, a tangible reward like a bonus, gift card, or even their favorite snack can make someone's day. But remember, it's often the thoughtfulness behind the gift that counts more than the monetary value.

Making It Personal

I love getting into specifics like favorite flowers or go-to snacks. For me, if you show up with sour gummy worms or Hot Tamales, you've just made my day! These little details might seem trivial, but they demonstrate that you see the person as an individual, not just an employee.

Imagine the impact of surprising someone with their favorite coffee order on a hectic morning or sending them sunflowers because you know they brighten their day. It's these personalized touches that turn ordinary recognition into something truly memorable.

Considering the Audience

Another critical aspect is understanding who should be involved in the recognition:

  • Private Recognition: Some people prefer to keep things low-key. A one-on-one acknowledgment might be more meaningful to them than a public announcement.

  • Team Recognition: Others might appreciate being recognized in front of their peers, enjoying the communal aspect of celebrating success together.

  • Higher-Ups and External Parties: For those aiming to climb the career ladder, recognition from senior leadership or industry figures can be particularly impactful.

  • Family Inclusion: Here's an interesting one—especially relevant for the younger generation. Including their family in their recognition can be incredibly meaningful. Many young professionals live with or are close to their families, and a note home acknowledging their hard work can make a big difference. It might make you cringe a bit to think about writing to someone's mom or dad, but if it motivates your team member and reinforces their achievements, why not?

The Golden Questions

If you do nothing else, focus on these two questions—they're absolute gold:

  1. What's the best recognition you've ever received?

  2. What's the best recognition you could imagine?

These questions open up a wealth of insight. The first allows them to reflect on past experiences that made them feel truly valued. The second encourages them to dream big and share what would genuinely excite and motivate them.

Maybe someone recalls a time when their manager advocated for them to get a promotion. Perhaps they imagine receiving an opportunity to lead a high-profile project. These answers give you a blueprint for how to recognize them in ways that are deeply meaningful.

Putting It All Together

So, how do you use this process effectively?

  • Set Aside Time: Allocate a portion of your one-on-one meetings to go through the process together. Make it a conversation rather than a formality.

  • Be Open and Curious: Approach the discussion with genuine interest. This isn't just a checkbox exercise; it's an opportunity to strengthen your relationship.

  • Respect Their Preferences: If someone indicates that public recognition makes them uncomfortable, honor that. The goal is to make them feel appreciated, not anxious.

  • Take Action: Use the insights you've gained to tailor your recognition efforts. Small, consistent actions based on their preferences can have a significant impact over time.

Why It Matters

Investing time in understanding how your team members prefer to be recognized isn't just good for morale—it's good for business. Personalized recognition has been proven to improve retention, boost employee engagement, and enhance overall results. When people feel seen and valued for who they are and what they contribute, they're more likely to go the extra mile.

Your Turn to Make a Difference

I encourage you to give this process a try. Customize it if you need to—make it fit your team's culture and dynamics. The key is to open up those lines of communication and understand what makes each person tick.

And don't be afraid to think outside the box. If someone's ideal recognition involves something unconventional (like sending a note to their family), consider the positive impact it could have. Remember, it's about them, not us.

Let's Keep the Conversation Going

I can't wait to hear about your experiences with this tool. How did your team respond? Did you uncover any surprising preferences? What successes have you seen since implementing more personalized recognition strategies?

Feel free to reach out and share your stories. We're all in this together, learning and growing as we go.

Wrapping Up

Recognition isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It's about connecting with people on a human level and acknowledging them in ways that resonate personally. By taking the time to understand and act on individual preferences, you're not just handing out praise—you're fostering a culture of appreciation and respect.

Until next time, keep recognizing and keep thriving!

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