Strengths Drive Engagement

two people going over documents

Written By: Melissa Ortiz

Engagement can be thought of as a barometer. A measurement predicted by two key factors:

        1. Alignment between individual talents and the demands of the role

        2. How well the basic needs of the workplace are being met

Both of factors are highly dependent on the manager/supervisor. Each supervisor is responsible for creating the alignment mentioned in in the first factor and delivering on the needs mentioned in the second factor such as continually setting clear expectations and offering the employee the resources they need to be successful.

How can StrengthsFinder Increase Employee Engagement?

1st Way - Individualized Communication- As a coach, when you encourage an employee by helping them use their natural aptitudes and talents, they are able to hear you more clearly. They hear you because you’re literally speaking their language – the language of their Strengths. Once you’ve really connected, the employee can then focus their efforts on delivering exactly what you have asked for.

For example, if an employee has a Futuristic talent, clearly describe to them how, when, and where their work product will be utilized. This will help them to envision the audience and tailor their work to meet the needs of the task. A different employee may lead with the Context talent and will need a much more thorough description of the master plan, development of the plan, and rationale behind the assignment before they are able to get started.

2nd Way - Turn the tables- Alter your approach to business to build on the talents your employees bring to the table. Instead of becoming frustrated with the guy who asks too many questions, channel that inquisitiveness at just the right time, the planning stage. Challenge employees with the Analytical and Strategic talents to help you avoid the frustrations they see so clearly on the horizon. Seek these talents out in a positive way, on the offensive, rather than allowing them to “shut down” ideas that are already in motion. This shows respect for their abilities and helps you prepare yourself for their insightful prediction. What’s more, your product or project will often be better for it!

3rd Way - Share the language of talents, specifically the language of the world-renowned StrengthsFinder, the assessment that has now been completed by more than 20 million people worldwide.

There is no quicker way to “forgive” a frustrating team member than to understand the value that person brings to the team. Help your team members learn and use the Strengths language throughout your work place. Take time to task employees with the role of “talent scout”, have them seek out what Strengths they see and figure out how those talents can be put to work in the most efficient manner. Then use these questions for yourself and for your employees- When do team members shine? How can we seek each other out when we’re struggling with an assignment?

When you begin to consistently apply these “Rules of Engagement”, you’ll find that disengagement in the workplace virtually disappears. After all, it’s pretty difficult as an employee to be frustrated at work when your supervisor and team are all focused on shining a light on what’s RIGHT and GOOD about you!


Discover how Activate Human Capital Group can transform your workplace with our unique employee engagement strategies and strengths-based approach. Don't miss the chance to enhance your team's performance and satisfaction. Contact us today to start the conversation about your organization's future!


Strengths by Domain: Influencing


Is Engagement a Personality Trait?