Integrating Core Values into Your Organizational Processes
I'm Melissa Ortiz, and today I'd like to discuss something that's near and dear to my heart: culture and core values. But probably not in the way you've heard before.
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
In the ever-evolving world of small businesses, being a great leader is about more than just crunching numbers and making tough decisions. It's also about understanding and managing emotions—both yours and those of your team. Enter Emotional Intelligence (EI), the secret sauce that can transform your leadership style from good to great.
Employees are Expensive: Don’t Let Your Recognition Efforts Backfire
When you find the right employees, you want to do everything in your power to keep them. This not only benefits the bottom line, but increases sales, strengthens customer loyalty, and improves employee morale
Composing Your Symphony: Creating Harmonious Teams Through Mindful Management
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it." -H.E. Luccock.
Linking Engagement and Profitability
The Harvard Business Review recently published an article called "Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work". This article does an excellent job explaining the linkage between leadership, employee engagement, customer retention, and profitability.
Engaging Your Employees: Making the Most Out of the Army You Have
Today’s organizations are looking for ways to get a leg up on the competition. The lean movement refined processes but process improvement can only move an organization so far.