Not All Employee Engagement Surveys are Created Equal
A recent study by Bersin & Associates estimates that $720 million is spent by organizations each year to improve employee engagement.
4 Elements of a Great Management Training Program
A fourA four-step management training program that begins and ends with measuring employee engagement and includes tactical steps to help participants better manage and lead their teams.
The Dangerous Truth About Safety
From the first prehistoric hunter to employ someone as saber-toothed tiger bait to today's modern leadership issues, we have learned two big lessons. Employee safety has clearly (and mercifully) become more important.
Turnover Costs are More Than You Think
Most will calculate about 60% of the person's salary and some training to determine their cost of turnover.
Linking Engagement and Profitability
The Harvard Business Review recently published an article called "Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work". This article does an excellent job explaining the linkage between leadership, employee engagement, customer retention, and profitability.
What’s Your Strategic Plan in 2017 to Retain Employees?
If your company has compensation right -- and your managers are trained to drive engagement daily in a performance-based culture – Happy New Year!
Engaging Your Employees: Making the Most Out of the Army You Have
Today’s organizations are looking for ways to get a leg up on the competition. The lean movement refined processes but process improvement can only move an organization so far.
Our Take: Building Engagement Culture
Building a high-performance company with engaged employees does not start with picking the right survey; it starts with having the right leaders. There are a wide variety of engagement/culture surveys on the market today, but the real key to having an engagement culture is the top team.