Quick Wins @ the Animal Center

a person with a clipboard behind some graphics

Owned by Dr. Tom and Stephanie Furman, The Animal Center,  is a thriving veterinary practice serving both large and small animal clients. Faced with unacceptable levels of miscommunication between the office staff and animal care team, plus higher levels of turnover than they were comfortable with, Stephanie took the lead in seeking a solution that would resonate well with the team. Together, Activate CEO Melissa and Stephanie worked together to introduce and integrate the StrengthsFinder and Employee Engagement practices into The Animal Center. Today they’re growing at 20% YOY and attribute much of that sustained growth to the benefits of the work they did with Melissa and Activate. Here’s why:

ACTIVATE POV – Accelerating Team Success and Organizational Growth

Dr. Tom and his wife Stephanie are a dynamic duo and ideal clients. Together they’re focused, open to ideas, and willing to take the actions necessary to improve their business. So far, the results are impressive. 20% YOY growth, decreased turnover, and improved patient care.

When something isn’t working and you can’t put your finger on exactly WHAT it is, our Team Accelerator is a great place to start. For $599 you’ll receive a quick pulse on team engagement, a coaching call to debrief the results, and a clear plan of action. Email us to get started!

Discover how Activate Human Capital Group can transform your workplace with our unique employee engagement strategies and strengths-based approach. Don't miss the chance to enhance your team's performance and satisfaction. Contact us today to start the conversation about your organization's future!


Activate Human Capital Group Certified By Women’s Business Enterprise National Council


TXB/ Kwik Chek: Had We Not Engaged Activate…